Friday, February 17, 2012

Dementia...the sad truth

This week in class we learned about Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. My focus is Dementia, primarily because my grandma lives with it everyday.

Dementia isn't a disease on its own, rather symptoms that affect cognitive and social abilities enough to affect everyday life. Memory loss is the main issue in Dementia, but just because you have memory loss doesn't mean you should diagnose yourself with Dementia. The memory loss is severe, you are unable to remember names and you are constantly confused as to what is going on around you. Changes in personality and social behavior occur as well.

I found a CBS news video on a woman named Gertrude Buckley who suffers from advanced dementia. A controversial study found that her illness is as deadly as cancer. Researchers found that patients who speak as little as 6 words a day will only live about 16 months and about 40% were in pain. Gertrude doesn't speak in this video, and it is sad to see that people can die from this illness that confuses you the whole time you are living with it.

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