Wednesday, February 8, 2012

True Life: I'm Addicted to Ice

My 48-hour addiction to ice cubes was actually really easy to pull off. I never had to lie to my friends because in the past 48-hours I was pretty much house bound due to all the homework I had. My family drinks ice water so when they saw my ice water, so for the most part they didn’t ask questions. That is, until Tuesday morning, my mom, oh so kindly, filled up my water bottle for me before school, but there wasn’t any ice in it. So, while I was filling it up with ice my mom asked why I dumped it out and I said, “I don’t know.” Then, this morning, she asked if I wanted ice in my water bottle again, and I had to lie about putting it in my water bottle in the first place. I didn’t feel bad about lying to her because it was just about ice, if it were something more serious like cocaine I would have a very guilty conscious.

I can see how having an addiction can break up relationships because people can usually tell when they are being lied to, and I know that if I was constantly being lied to, I would stop talking to the person that continuously lied to me. I didn’t do anything crazy or out of the ordinary (with the acceptation of putting ice in my coffee, tea, and apple juice) during this temporary addiction. No my mom didn’t notice a change in my behavior because I drink ice water all the time. However, when I asked my dad if he noticed any changes, he remembered watching me drink iced apple juice and found it odd. I think that it can be surprising to find out your kid is taking some drugs that don’t damage a person physically over time versus other drugs that allow you to see the difference physically over time.

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